WHAT'S NEW..........


The Rogers County Conservation District has received funds for the PY27 State Cost Share Program.  The District received $41,400.00 to fund applicants at a rate of 75% up to $5,000.00.  The following practices will be ranked in this order:

      Herbaceous Weed Control

      Brush Management



      Watering Facility

      Heavy Use Area Protection

      Livestock Pipeline

      Pumping Plant

Applications will be accepted through the close of business on April 15th, 2025.

For more information and applications, go to the "Cost Share", or call our Office (918)341-4147, and ask for Phyllis.

      The District would like to invite everyone to follow us on our 2 

                                         facebook pages. 

"Rogers State University Nature Reserve" is our page focused on the Reserve.

"RCCD" is our page focused on the Programs and Assistance to our Land Owners.


Urban home participating in Yard by Yard program
Urban home participating in Yard by Yard program

The yard revolution has begun!  Join us in becoming a good steward of your piece of Earth!  Urban citizens can make a big difference in their communities with the addition of even a few "earth friendly" practices.  More information.....

If you have not been out to the Reserve in a while, come see the improvements.  We have resurfaced both Wetland Boardwalks, and several Footbridges.


The Rogers County Conservation District would like to thank The Rogers County Commissioners Education Trust for their financial support for resurfacing over 2 miles of trails at the Rogers State University Conservation Reserve.  We would also like to thank Denny Hardin and the crew of D&S Paving for laying the asphalt on the trails.